Monday, April 3, 2017

Welcome to this edition of Apples to Apples....

Talking Is brings us this great reminder on how simple it is to engage our children in discussion no matter what task we are up too!  See if you can find ways to incorporate these ideas into your day.  Don't forget to visit the website to find more ways to make the most of the time you spend with your children.

Let's Turn 'Wash Time' Into 'Talk Time'!

Laundromats aren’t just for washing clothes! You can talk, read, and sing there, too!

Did you know? Simple actions like talking, reading, and singing with your children—right from the start—can build their brains and prepare them for success in school and beyond. So whether it’s meal time, bath time, play time, or even laundry time, have fun turning these everyday moments into “talk time”! Here are some ideas on ways you can talk, read, and sing together during each cycle of laundry!

While Washing

Play I-Spy! Take turns finding clothes you need to put in the washer. “I-Spy your little blue shirt that is soft.”
Read together. Words are all around the laundromat—even on clothing labels and machines! Have fun pointing them out together. You can say, “My shirt tag says ‘wash cold’ so I’m turning the washer knob to cold. What does your tag say and how will we wash your clothes?”
Talk about the bubbles! You can say, “Let’s find bubbles in the washer! How are they moving? They’re moving around and around!”

While Drying

Talk about colors. Name the colors you see all around. You can ask, “What color are my socks? What color are yours?” You can also use words like bright or dark to describe the colors.
Go on a shape hunt! Look for different shapes around the store. Ask, “What shape is the dryer?”
Count together. You can count washers, dryers, or older children can count the number of coins you need to put into the machine.
Sing a song! Sing your favorite song or make up a fun song about being at the laundromat together. Clap, tap, stomp, or dance along!
While Folding
Play peek-a-boo! Cover your baby’s face and say, “Where’s (baby’s name)?” Then say, “There you are!”
How does it look and feel? Take turns using words to describe how each clothing looks and feels!
Find a pair! Talk about numbers and use math words like pair. You might say, “Let’s find a pair of socks. Pair means two things that match.”Play a sorting game. You can say, “Can you make piles of different kinds of clothes like shorts, shirts, socks, and dresses? All the socks go here and all the shirts go here.”

1 comment:

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