Thursday, March 12, 2015

Quiz Bowl 2014-2015

     On Friday, March 6th we went to practice for the quiz bowl at Mitchell Elementary.  It was a great experience for all of us!  We had a blast. Thanks for hosting Mitchell!
     On Saturday, March 7th we went to the District's Administration Building for the official 2014-2015 QUIZ BOWL.  We were on fire!  We were quick with the buzzers and quick in our thinking.  We were in the lead!  Unfortunately, the buzzer system broke down and we were not able to finish the game.

RESCHEDULING - The Quiz Bowl Semi-finals and Finals will be held on Thursday, March 19th at the District's Administration building at 5:30 pm.  It is the hope that new buzzers will be purchased very soon so that we can once again reconvene before Thursday evening to be able to attend the Semi-finals and Finals.

WHAT THAT MEANS FOR US - In fairness we are not getting together again to practice for quiz bowl, however, when a new date is set we will once again meet to go over some important information.  Please be patient. Keep studying!

We are proud to have you represent our school!

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